Canada Is a world-renown country for hosting foreigners, with international students inclusive. The Cost Of Living in Canada is what the majority of these immigrants tend to carry out their research on to determine where and when to travel across the country.
Different provinces in the country have varying levels of cost as regard living affordability. We will consider some of the provinces and their respective cost of living especially for international students. However other individuals will also be put into consideration like couples, workers a, and others.
Cost Of Living In Canada For International Students
Many students dream of studying in Canada although the cost of living in Canada for international students is averagely affordable.
The country has world-renowned teaching facilities cost universities, an open immigration system, metropolitan cities, and enticing landscapes. Altogether, it’s a great choice for international students.
Studying in Canada is not as expensive as studying in other countries according to research, like the U.S. or U.K. However it is still a big investment because for sure a bulk of the amount will still be spent. International students pay between $1,800-20,000 CAD per year to attend a Canadian university or college on average.
When you’re studying in Canada, you can choose between living on-campus or off-campus. Living on-campus is a great opportunity to socialize with other students and make friends if you don’t mind though. Most institutions also give students on-campus the option to buy a meal plan.
But, keep in mind that many universities and colleges prioritize first-year students for on-campus housing just to get them acquainted with the institution and its tenets.
You might also decide to rent an apartment or room off-campus instead. There are lots of housing options in neighborhoods close to universities and colleges – and these are often advertised specifically for students because they were built basically for that purpose.
To give you an idea about how much accommodation will cost, we take a look at some popular Canadian study destinations. Keep in mind, that off-campus housing prices might fluctuate because of the pandemic and individual discretion (The landlords).
At the University of Toronto, on-campus housing for eight months ranges from about $6500- $20,500 CAD, depending on the room and meal plan. A one-bedroom apartment in Toronto costs about $2,100 CAD/month on average. However, it is advised that you consider the on-campus accommodation, to minimize cost, though it is still basically at your discretion.
At the University of Waterloo, a single room in traditional-style dorm costs between about $6,700-$7,000 CAD for the fall and winter term, not including a mandatory meal plan unlike the University of Toronto which has a meal plan included. A one-bedroom apartment costs about $1,500 CAD/month on average for those who would consider off-campus accommodation.
At the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, a room and meal plan will cost you between $10,700-$13,850 CAD for two terms. A one-bedroom apartment in the city center costs $2,050 CAD/month on average.
At Dalhousie University in Halifax, a single room costs between $8,130-$9,450 CAD/per academic year with a meal plan. In comparison with other schools, Dalhousie University appears the most affordable so far. A one-bedroom apartment costs about $1,400 CAD/month on average.
At McGill University in Montreal, a single room for 1st-year undergraduate students costs between about $9,700-$12,700 CAD/academic year, without a meal plan. A one-bedroom apartment costs 1,300 CAD/month on average.
The above costs are majorly for accommodation and partially feeding. However, there are other costs that can be incurred as an international student schooling in Canada which includes transportation, entertainment, food materials, and so on.
We will lay emphasis on other individuals intending to stay in Canada and the corresponding costs.
Cost Of Living In Canada For Couples
Canada is renowned for its exceptional quality of living as earlier stated but there are many essential things you will need to familiarize yourself with before you make the big move, especially as a couple who has either the two parties working or just one.
The cost of living in Canada for couples was fixed at a particular level in 2021, however, the case is different in 2022 as a result of certain factors. For starters, you will need to figure out your budget before the trip and maybe even choose your destination based on the cost of living to avoid unnecessary emergencies and lacks.
But, how expensive is Canada? The truth is that there is a big difference between the cities and also between provinces which was earlier revealed for international students in the previous paragraph. Whether you are temporarily relocating as a couple or moving to Canada, you will need estimates, averages, and reliable data.
The average cost of living in Canada per month for a couple was around 3,500 CAD in 2021.
If you are earning around 50,000 CAD per year per person, after all the deductions, you will be earning around 3,500 CAD per month per person.
So, even if only one person is working in the family, you will be able to survive in Canada, but it is unlikely that you will save much money due to rising expenses, however, if both partners are working, you will be able to live comfortably and save some money.
Cost Of Living In Canada On An Average With Rent
The average cost of living in Canada with rent has always been different depending on the province and city of habitation across the country. No matter where in the world you move, rent is always going to be one of the biggest items in your budget, typically taking up 35% to 50% of your monthly expenses according to certain findings.
However, large houses’ rent ranges from C$1,100 to C$1,900, medium apartments from C$930 to C$ 1,600, small apartments from C$730 to C$1300, student dorms from C$500 to C$730, and Internet from C$41 to C$46 across Montreal, Toronto, and Calgary respectively.
This is simply specific to rents across the different regions in the country, the cost of living in totality on an average according to statistical analysis shows that cost of living in Canada is on average, 0.04% lower than in the United States. Rent in Canada is, on average, 22.31% lower than in the United States.
Some topics we might treat soon are;
- cost of living in canada per month
- cost of living in canada vs us
- cost of living in canada with rent
- The lowest cost of living in canada
- Overall cost of living in canada toronto
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